
Whole Life-cycle Carbon Assessment (WLC)

Whole Life-Cycle Carbon (WLC) emissions are the carbon emissions resulting from the materials, construction and the use of a building over its entire life, including its demolition and disposal. A WLC assessment provides a true picture of a building’s carbon impact on the environment.

Services Overview

The WLC assessment is carried out using a nationally recognised assessment methodology (One Click LCA) to demonstrate the actions that will be taken to reduce WLC emissions. The assessment will cover the development’s carbon emissions over its life-time, accounting for its operational carbon emissions (both regulated and unregulated), its embodied carbon emissions, any future potential carbon emissions ‘benefits’, post ‘end of life’, including benefits from reuse and recycling of building structure and materials.

We include basic IES model at pre-planning stage to assist with volumes and an early workshop to discuss the options, design team input will be required for material types and volumes. This report can also be used for the early engagement Mat01 credits required by BREEAM 2018.

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