

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Author: HR Manager

Date: June 2021

Person Responsible: HR Manager

Approval/Review Bodies: Whitecode Board Members

Frequency of Review*: 36 months

* Policies will be reviewed more frequently if legal changes or good practice require, this policy is non-contractual.

Review History

Date of Review: Reviewed By Reason for Review

December 2017 HRM Good practice review

April 2020 HRA Good practice review

June 2021 HRM Good practice review


1. Introduction

2. General principles

3. Job description/person specification

4. Advertising the vacancy

5. Shortlisting

6. First Interview

7. Second Interview

8. Employment

Related policies/documents:

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

Modern Slavery statement


Data Protection Policy

1. Introduction

Recruiting and selecting the right people is of paramount importance to the continued success of Whitecode Consulting. This Recruitment and Selection Policy sets out how to ensure, as far as possible, that the best people are recruited on merit and that the recruitment process is free from bias and discrimination.

The Equality Act 2010 places a responsibility on organisations to monitor, amongst other things, their recruitment processes to ensure they are not discriminatory. Accordingly, this policy sets out a procedure to enable Whitecode to monitor staff recruitment and to provide information to enable the Whitecode Board to monitor recruitment activity.

By following the policy, in addition to fulfilling employment law requirements, Whitecode will also ensure that it continues to uphold its commitment to equal opportunity.

2. General Principles

• appointments must be based on merit. Principles including fairness, credibility and equal employment opportunity underpin recruitment and selection at Whitecode Consulting

• normally appointments must be made in accordance with this policy and must, therefore, be subject to advertisement and interview. Requests to waive the requirement to advertise an appointment in exceptional circumstances for example conversion from a fixed term appointment to a permanent contract must be approved at Director level

• when employing temporary or casual staff on a short-term basis the principles of good practice outlined in this policy should still be followed. In summary these are that details of a post must be publicised, selection must be on the basis of appropriate criteria and merit, a record of the process and decision must be kept.

• financial approval for a new post or the filling of a vacancy must be obtained before recruitment commences from the Finance Director

• a job vacancy is an opportunity to review the necessity for the post and its duties, responsibilities and pay level. Where the duties of a post have changed significantly the Head of Department must seek confirmation from the HR of the appropriate pay for the post, bearing in mind comparator roles within the Company, ideally before financial approval is sought

• the Company application form includes a form seeking voluntary equal opportunities and diversity information. Such information does not form any part of the shortlisting process but is used for monitoring purposes only

• the confidentiality of applications must be respected by all of those involved in the selection process

3. Job Description and Person Specification

The job description is a key document in the recruitment process, and must be finalised prior to taking any other steps in the process. It should clearly and accurately set out the duties and responsibilities of the job and must include:

• the job title (which must be sex and age neutral)

• the location of the job i.e. Company/Department

• hours of work

• salary or salary range

• requirement for offsite travel if applicable

• the post to whom the postholder is responsible

• any posts reporting to the postholder

• main purpose of the job

• main duties and responsibilities

• any special working conditions (working patterns outside of the standard Company working hours)

• standard clause relating to changes in duties

The person specification is of equal importance to the job description and informs the selection decision. The person specification details the skills, experience, abilities and expertise that are required to do the job. It should be drawn up after the job description and, with the job description, should inform the content of the advert.

The person specification should be specific, related to the job, and not unnecessarily restrictive - for example only qualifications strictly needed to do the job should be specified. The inclusion of criteria that cannot be justified as essential for the performance of the job may be deemed discriminatory under the Equality Act 2010, if these impact disproportionately to the disadvantage of specific groups.

The person specification details the:

• Qualifications

• Experience

• Knowledge

• Attributes

required to do the job - specifying which are essential and which are desirable; these may be different from the attributes of the previous postholder.

Essential criteria are those without which an appointee would be unable to adequately perform the job; Desirable criteria are those that may enable the candidate to perform better or require a shorter familiarisation period.

Care must be taken if physical requirements are specified. The Equality Act requires employers to make reasonable adjustments to a workplace or the way a job is carried out to make them suitable for disabled people.

4. Advertising the Vacancy

Once financial approval has been obtained and the job description completed recruitment action can commence.

HR will advertise the vacancy on the Whitecode website and suitable publications (hard copy and or electronic), setting a closing date for applications.

Whilst active recruitment action is being taken it is unlikely that Whitecode Consulting will seek the assistance of recruitment Agencies. If, however recruitment action does not provide an appointable applicant Agencies assistance may be sought once the introductory/placement fee has been agreed.

This ensures that vacancies are open to internal and external applicants.

To ensure that applicants are fully informed about the vacancy for which they are applying the job description and recruitment process are displayed on the Company website.


A statement reflecting Whitecode’s commitment to equality of opportunity is automatically included in all recruitment advertisements

5. Shortlisting

Once the closing date has passed shortlisting of applications will be arranged. Shortlisting will be carried out by at least 2 senior staff members and will include the line manager and or HR Manager.

Shortlisting will be based on the application/cv information provided, linked to the person specification essential requirements. A scoring system will be used to assess the application. The scores will then be used to consider which applicants will be called for the first interview (face to face or telephone – usually with the HR Manager).

Applicants who are not shortlisted will be notified by HR in the form of an email.

6. First Interview

After shortlisting the HR Manager will arrange for either telephone interviews or face to face interviews as deemed appropriate for the role. The first interview will provide further details on career history, ascertain career aspirations and salary expectations in addition to providing the applicant with information about Whitecode Consulting.

At the first interview selections tests may be carried out. These could include work related scenarios, psychometric and aptitude tests appropriate for the role. The results of which will form part of the basis for progression to the next selection stage.

If recommended the applicant will then be invited to a second interview.

Depending on the number of applications and suitability it may be deemed appropriate to move straight from short listing to the second interview stage.

7. Second Interview

The second interview will, usually be arranged to take place shortly after the first interview and may on some occasions take place on the same day. This interview will include the line manager, one of the Directors and HR Manager.

This interview will be in more depth following a pre set format of probing and factual questions. Each applicant will be asked the same questions, although depending upon their responses follow up questions may be asked.

Each interviewer will score the applicant based on their responses and fit with the essential elements of the person specification. The interview Chair will then review the scores and the panel will discuss their appointment choice. If no applicant is deemed suitable no offer of appointment will be made and the vacancy may be re-advertised. HR will inform the applicants of the outcome and make the employment offer if appropriate.

Managers who sit on interview panels will have received training in fair recruitment.

8. Employment

Once the applicant has accepted the offer of employment HR will seek to obtain 2 references (including a reference form their last employer). In addition the applicant may be asked to complete a medical questionnaire which will be reviewed by the Company Occupational Health Advisor.

The employment start date will be agreed and HR will issue the formal employment contract. HR will work with the line manager to ensure that an appropriate induction programme is in place from day one.


The successful applicant will be asked to provide evidence of their eligibility to work in the UK (as legally required) along with qualification and training certificates prior to commencing work with Whitecode Consulting.

  • ISO 45001
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 9001
  • CIBSE Heat Networks Consultant